Weekly bulletin (Saturday activity, BBC documentary, Consultation)

3 upcoming events and announcements https://dalefarm.wordpress.com

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1) Thursday, July 21, 10:35 pm: The Big Gypsy Eviction – BBC1 documentary on Dale Farm


It probably won’t be terribly sympathetic, but ask your friends to watch and post it through social media!

2) SATURDAY, 23rd July: Meeting and activity day at Dale Farm (5 weeks until Camp Constant)

Starts 11am, meeting at 1pm. Legal Observer training, tree climbing skill share, site building


3) Consultation on Traveller sites policy

The governments new ‘planning for Traveller sites’ policy is out for consultation until the beginning of August. The decision to take a ‘hands-off’ approach to site provision on the grounds that Local Authorities are ‘best placed to know the needs of their communities’ is a very worrying development, given that many Local Authorities treat Gypsies and Travellers as problems to be got rid of, rather than as members of the community. It also gives councils tougher enforcement powers which will make Dale Farm style evictions of Gypsies and Travellers easier.

You can find details of the policy consultation here:


The more responses they get saying that it’s a dangerous backwards step the better. There is a long questionnaire but you can also just send letters or emails expressing concern.

Here is a response as an example: http://t.co/jk52LT2

ITMB have released an excellent report on impact of Localism on Site provision, which is useful reading if you’re drafting a response:


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5 Responses to Weekly bulletin (Saturday activity, BBC documentary, Consultation)

  1. Sophia Botha says:

    After last night’s BBC documentary I wrote this I hope its appreciated http://www.the-bastard.com/ind​ex.php?page=5555&section=40

  2. Rathkeale Observer says:

    According to other internet sources, 20 % of Dale Farm has properly applied for planning. I must have missed this on the BBC doc?

  3. sundance says:

    People say the travellers are part of the community, utter nonsense. Try living in the vicinity before you make judgments. They have no intention of getting on with settled folk, too many different clashes in culture. They are lovely when the cameras are present thats for sure. Everyone in an ideal world would get on and live peacefully, we tried that yrs ago with them. They had numerous chances for compromise (from both sides) and yet choose to ignore laws that we all have to abide to. They blew it.

  4. Joe Public says:

    The sooner this lot of filth are gone, the better. They pay nothing, they take everything and own an awful lot of property and still claim poverty. Be gone and good riddance.

  5. kelly easton says:

    I just finished watching the documentary on tv this evening.And I am utterly appauled at the level of disregard for human life. They all care about their families and because your family is really large they think you dont care as much for each other. The British Isles all over have lost their sense of community. Their respect and morals. DO NOT CONFORM! I am certain that all residents of dale farm have more integrity and morals than half of basildon itself. I want you all to know I am praying for you. I wish all people were in the same frame of mind as the travelling community. I admire you all and urge you all to stay strong.
    Love Kelly
    x x x

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