Tat Needed

Below is a list of some of the stuff we need to keep Camp Constant going.  If you can source any of it, please bring it down!

  • extra blankets
  • spare clothes
  • polyprop rope
  • rain jackets
  • reinforcing rods
  • netbooks & dongles
  • climbing rope
  • climbing harnesses
  • waterproof paint
  • bolts & nails
  • a digger
  • scrap wood
  • corrugated metal and fencing
  • oil drums
  • metal/ceramic pipes
  • scaffolding poles & clips
  • buckets
  • energy bars
  • bottled water
  • bike chainbreakers
  • binoculars

Funds are desperately needed… The eviction is now set to start on Monday 17th October, and keeping a constant presence at Dale Farm does cost money.  If you or anyone you know can make a donation, please do so here.

29 Responses to Tat Needed

  1. ford189 says:

    good luck for today.god bless dale farm.

  2. Mighty Slug says:

    Whilst everyone is watching the the East, to the West the Government is trying to hastily get it’s greedy hands on greenfield land, no doubt to sell off to greedy Corporate developers to make lots of greedy money. http://blog.38degrees.org.uk/2011/09/19/save-our-countryside/#comment-315965896

  3. Mighty Slug says:

    I am appalled at the blatent inhumanity shown here. They’re trying to get away with something we can’t get away with. You want an EXTRA extension, you want an EXTRA room for your four bedroomed house. These people want the bare minimum – a caravan. A caravan for God’s sake. Yes but we can’t do it, we all want to live like that = therefore none of us should have that liberty. Let’s all live by the lowest common denomination. But remember you want a caravan AS WELL AS your nice comfy home. These people are part of a race/culture/tradition which includes folklore, Irish culture, travellers’ experience, built on shared knowledge with a unison against the cruelty of your prejudices. Family groups living together helping one another. They have built a community – where have we replicated that support, that shared knowledge and trust in our “communities”? If they do not live together how long do you think this shared culture will survive living in blocks of concrete jungles and Americanised conversation. How long with their spirits survive within concrete prison walls instead of under the stars? When you read and marvel in your history books about different cultures you never for a moment think of them as being under threat, you take their existence for granted. In years to come we will look back on these times to realise just how valuable and how necessary it is to preserve different cultures and tribes instead of trying to rip them up to make everyone like us. That is, if we move into the future, we have evolved as a human race…..at all.

  4. Dayfydd says:

    Yes… I have to agree that racism seems to be the underlying theme. Most of the comments are so filled with profanity and hateful speech that it’s hard to take the comments seriously, and such are not the earmarks of responsible or reasonable citizens who people look to to lead a community.

    It has been alleged that the persecuted inhabitants of Dale Farm don’t pay taxes; where’s the proof?
    It has been said that they steal; where’s the specific charges and why are they not in jail?
    Has every Irish resident stolen from you, or are there honest and dishonest, as in every community?
    You complain about their nice cars; where did they get them if not because they worked for them?
    If the cars are stolen, then the law should take its course; otherwise be quiet about it.

    The housing organization has offered a place for them to move to, but you refuse to allow it in
    Basildon… What surer example of prejudice can there exist?

    Anti-Traveller prejudice
    A 2011 survey by the Economic and Social Research Institute of Ireland concluded that there is widespread ostracisation of Travellers in Ireland, and the report concluded that this could hurt the long-term prospects for Travellers, who “need the intercultural solidarity of their neighbours in the settled community . . . They are too small a minority, ie 0.5 per cent, to survive in a meaningful manner without ongoing and supportive personal contact with their fellow citizens in the settled community.”

  5. Tui Giovanni says:

    It’s disappointing that some on both sides of the argument are using various tactics like racism (people saying ‘our country, our rules’) and others saying that its because people are racist against travellers.

    There is one main point of focus in all this, half of the whole site, 31 homes, are legal, but the other half, 54 homes were built without planning permission, and on greenbelt land.

    I do feel that councils should have to provide sites, but in turn I feel that these councils should be paid for these services, in the form of council tax.

    The fact is that you can’t just build wherever you like, whenever you like, even if you own the land. Planning permission is there for a reason, to protect the environment we all live in, its not only in the countryside but also in more urban areas where the refusal of planning permission has more of an impact on our lives than we realise, 90% of our homes and work environments would be a lot more different if people were allowed to just buy land or property and then build and build.

    The argument that major supermarkets have track records of doing just this, doesn’t hold weight as that doesn’t mean that we have the right to break the same law.

    I do feel for the travellers predicament, but it’s not as if the council have not tried to resolve this for years, as they have. Also, some (note some) of the travellers/supporters aren’t doing themselves any favours especially after watching one throw hot tea over a bailiff, which is assault, and no way to make your point!

    It will be solved eventually, but its cost £millions so far that could have been spent better, but the local council are doing it not just from the legal perspective, but also to help improve the lives of local people who also have rights!

    I don’t believe though, that any tit for tat sniping or thinly veiled racism on this site helps or that it is an aide to either sides argument.

    Using abusive language isn’t any different to being racist in any other part of society, its not acceptable. These people are not scum, pikeys, s**t or any or the other names. There are always people in any society or group of people who are bad apples, and I’m sure traveller society is no different, however, we shouldn’t be putting all travellers into one category as we certainly can’t do that for our society.

  6. Raymond ffoulkes says:

    All the very best!

  7. Mary says:

    When discussing law breakers, do you not think that MP’s, councils, bankers etc break the law in worse ways than these people, who are given no option but to break the law in this way as they are no longer legally able to park up on the side of the road? Planning permission for travellers sites are turned down 90% of the time compared to just under 20% for ‘normal’ people. Surely the British government and British society would like to see itself as a tolerant one which embraces other cultures and which does not throw vulnerable, sick families out onto the street. As for paying tax, hows about having a go at vodafone… I think they still owe you and I about £6Billion pounds for this year? Or maybe you could vent your frustation towards Mr Phillip Green (Topshop) who seems to be equally forgetfull about filling in his tax return! Ah well better to pick on the underdog eh?

    • Gordon Gekko says:

      Where do you start with this one I ask you! Well I’ll have to start somewhere then …..
      ‘When discussing law breakers, do you not think that MP’s, councils, bankers etc break the law in worse ways than these people,,,,,’ Irrelevant. Quite a lot of them do break laws and as such should be subject to the full force of the judicial process. It does not, however, give anyone else the right to break laws.
      ‘…but to break the law in this way as they are no longer legally able to park up on the side of the road?’ Talk about distorting an argument. Once again the rules apply to everyone not just travellers – ‘Caravans are not allowed to be parked on the public Highway under section 103 of The Construction and Use Regulations Act 1989.’ The travellers haven’t been stopped from parking on the road, EVERYONE has.
      ‘Planning permission for travellers sites are turned down 90% of the time compared to just under 20% for ‘normal’ people.’ Just do me a favour and do some re-reading of posts, articles etc. where a number of people have patiently pointed out to uneducated, ignorant and fact warping people like yourself that the reality is that the travellers are applying for planning permission on sites where NO-ONE would get it.
      ‘As for paying tax, hows(sic) about having a go at vodafone… I think they still owe you and I about £6Billion pounds for this year? Or maybe you could vent your frustation(sic) towards Mr Phillip Green (Topshop) who seems to be equally forgetfull(sic) about filling in his tax return!’ Again, irrelevant. Yes, Vodafone etc should be pursued for their taxes but it still doesn’t mean these traveller’s have a right to ignore their social responsibilities including paying tax etc.
      Your inability to construct an intelligent and reasoned argument merely shows why the education system in England needs a through overhaul.

      • Gordon Gekko says:

        Perhaps it does need a through overhaul but I think a thorough overhaul might be a tad better.

      • andy p says:

        Major supermarket chains regularly open ‘local’ stores without planning permission. They do so knowing that local authorities will all too often grant restrospective planning permssion as they fear entering into a costly legal dispute with a wealthy corporation and the potential for major costs to accrue to council tax payers.

        The rights of wrongs of the planning issues in question are lost as the financial might of the corporation’s legal department hold sway. Tesco, for one, has a track record of doing this.

        You might care to get on your high horse about this, if, that is, you are a consistent person who applies reason equally. On the other hand, you might not.

      • Mary says:

        Thanks for the spelling check there Gordon. I am not condoning law breaking but merely stating that it seems to be ok for some to do so and others to not!? May I also point out that sometimes in life, we need to look at facts which may on the surface appear ‘irrelevant’, to understand the bigger picture! Also, the dale farm eviction is not about upholding law or justice, this is just a smoke screen for an ideological eviction which seeks to remove the last shreds of freedom from an already persecuted minority of people. In regards to travellers not paying taxes, what evidence do you have for this?? Did you read this in the Daily Mail or a similar fact-warping right wing paper? And Gordon, I don’t think that being aggresive really helps when trying to create a constructive argument… surely someone so highly educated like yourself should know that!?

      • Gordon Gekko says:

        To Mary –
        I haven’t done a spell check. What are you talking about?
        To your ‘arguments’ –
        ‘May I also point out that sometimes in life, we need to look at facts which may on the surface appear ‘irrelevant’, to understand the bigger picture!’ Well that’s just plain hilarious. What bigger picture? There isn’t one. What you’re trying to do is to conflate two separate arguments to try and win an argument.
        ‘Also, the dale farm eviction is not about upholding law or justice,…’ Yes it is!
        ‘….. this is just a smoke screen for an ideological eviction…’ and your proof is where exactly for this.
        ‘…which seeks to remove the last shreds of freedom from an already persecuted minority of people.’ Under no circumstances are these ‘people’ a persecuted minority. They are not Gypsies they are travellers and they are Irish.
        ‘In regards to travellers not paying taxes, what evidence do you have for this?? Did you read this in the Daily Mail or a similar fact-warping right wing paper?’ Nope. Please point me to the evidence that they do pay taxes then.
        As a final point, if you think that I’m being aggressive just be grateful you aren’t on the receiving end of some of the missives that are flying about (from all quarters).

        To Andy P –
        ‘Major supermarket chains regularly open ‘local’ stores without planning permission. They do so knowing that local authorities will all too often grant restrospective(sic) planning permission(sic) as they fear entering into a costly legal dispute with a wealthy corporation and the potential for major costs to accrue to council tax payers.’. Please supply your evidence for this. If you have evidence then I am one hundred per cent behind you.
        As far as Tesco goes I loathe them with a passion. I personally shop where I can at Farmers’ Markets and the like.
        ‘You might care to get on your high horse about this, if, that is, you are a consistent person who applies reason equally.’ Yes, thank you. That is exactly my point. Everyone must be treated equally and I treat everyone equally. But bringing in dubious claims of ‘ethnic cleansing’ and comparison to the Final solution of the Nazis really do not help them in the slightest. But the nub is, regardless of supermarkets riding roughshod over planning laws, they have to obey the law (and yes, of course, so must the supermarkets and the ‘rich’ [David Gilmour anyone!]).
        The residents in Cray Hills have rights too. Rights that include not having rubbish thrown over their walls and fences into their back gardens, businesses not being ripped off and the right to walk unmolested through their own town. [Text removed by moderator]

  8. fox says:

    why the fuck should go ! stay put farm and fight this your win ! xx

  9. fox says:

    why the hel; should there leave this site when they have paid for it !

  10. Dante says:

    I wish all the best to the Travellers community in Dale farm, hope you win your battle against stupid chauvinists who couldn’t resist to write their racist comments even on this site.

    Greetings from Montenegro


  11. Cathleen says:

    I do not like a lot of the rules of the land that I have to abide, but I do – out of respect for my country. The ” travellers” also know our rules especially “planning”, but have continued to carry on ignoring and doing exactly as they choose with an “up yours” attitude to Basildon Council for 10 years. Well enough is enough and I hope that they are removed on the 19th September 2011. Our law abiding society also have young children, elderly & sick but do not break the law to get what they want.

  12. hector says:

    Who is my neighbour?

  13. Joseph says:

    זוהי רשימה של הציוד אשר יישארו פזורים באתר לאחר הפינוי כדין, אשר המועצה Basildon משלמי המס יצטרכו לשלם כדי להבהיר:
    ■ שמיכות נוספות
    ■ בגדים חילוף
    ■ polyprop חבל
    ■ מעילי גשם
    ■ מוטות חיזוק
    ■ netbooks & פלאגים
    ■ טיפוס על חבל
    ■ רתמות טיפוס
    ■ צבע עמיד למים
    ■ & ברגים ומסמרים
    ■ חופרת
    ■ פיסת עץ
    ■ מתכת גידור גלי
    ■ הנפט תופים
    ■ מתכת / צינורות חרס
    ■ פיגומים הקטבים & קליפים
    ■ דליים
    ■ חטיפי אנרגיה
    ■ בקבוקי מים
    ■ bike chainbreakers
    ■ משקפת

    תנו להם לרכוש שלהם מן אוסוולד של ביילי.

  14. NeuroToxic says:

    “Tat Needed”

    For a brief moment I thought that you needed a Tattoo.

  15. debbie says:

    keep going dont let them win.god bless dale farm.

  16. Pingback: Dale Farm call out – eviction date announced « No Borders North East

  17. It is good you are getting prepared. David Cameron, the dictator in chief, the evil man behind this, is a total nutcase ! He was in a Dining RIOT club at Oxford University known as the “Bullingdon club” They smashed up restaurants for fun. We are dealing with a dictatorship government bent on CONDEMNATION of this country. They will stop it seems at nothing to get their evil way. First they lie their way in parliament with the turncoat Liederal Democrats then they run policies of CONDEMNATION and worst of all they use the evil Murdoch media empire to stoke racism. Now they are the most evil government we have ever had, clearly. The racist CONDEM Basildon council must be stopped. YOU good, most excellent people at Dale farm are on the front line against fascism. We must now write to every news channel in the world and get a permanent Human rights monitoring team from the UN. We need Blue helmet peacekeeping troops to stand between Dale farm and constant and co. and enforce love and peace. This is a serious challenge to civilisation. Dale farm is the future of humanity. May God bless every one of you brave people and may we have a General Election tomorrow and get that evil Mr. Cameron out of 10 Downing street. He is the illegal resident, nobody voted for his policies and this CONDEM dictatorship has to go. Travellers have suffered already so much you deserve full compensation for the years of worryand suffering and abuse of your human rights. Not only in this threatened eviction but many others. The UK is NOT OK. We must take this to the highest authority and get UK peacekeepers on the ground to defend the travellers from British fascism at it´s very worst. Racism is a deep disgrace to the UK and as someone who was born in Essex I am truly sorry for all that you have suffered.

  18. Pingback: DALE FARM CALL OUT FRI 2nd Sept | Dale Farm Travellers

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