Blog: TSN outreach in Basildon

After a slow and grumpy Monday morning start, with one man berating us even before the
stall was up and running, the sun came out and we swung into action. Three security
people contracted by Basildon Council hung around for a while but happily went on their
way after we explained what we were doing and showed them the information on display.
This time we were publicising the threatened second eviction from Dale Farm, as well as
the testing by the Environment Agency.

The “before and after” photographs again proved good evidence for visitors to the stall. All
were dismayed and upset when they saw the state of Dale Farm after its destruction by
Basildon Council.

Lots of people stopped to talk with us, take leaflets and sign the petition, including at least
two groups of Travellers who were not from Dale Farm. Some passers-by were not
supporters but genuinely wanted to find out more, while some others just didnʼt want to
know anything.

Leaflets were given only to people who wanted them, and about 25-50% of passers-by
took one. 30 more people signed the petition to Basildon Council supporting the Travellersʼ
right to stop on land in Basildon; some people were so indignant about the Councilʼs
treatment of the Traveller families that they marched over to sign it without the need for an invitation.

By lunch-time the office workers were out on the streets so we had a different type of
audience. In all we handed out hundreds of leaflets and it was an interesting experience,
as well as useful for informing and gauging public opinion; which is important at local
council level.

Several times we were all busy engaged in talking to passers-by so even more people on
the stall would be appreciated, and would be well-employed. It could be tied into a visit or
meeting on Dale Farm.

The next stall will be in Basildon on Thursday 6th September 11:30-14:00. From the
outside of Basildon Council Offices look across to the far left corner between Wilkinsonʼs
and M&S – you’ll see our flags!
Do try to join us – and bring some music if you can!

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